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What are test dusts?

purpose of such “test dusts”, how to develop them and what lies behind so-called banknote dust. #explore: What are test dusts? Dirk Renschen: Vacuum cleaners ... synthetic house dust is very strong. The second very common test dust is so-called A2 fine, which belongs to the group of Arizona test dusts, named after the ... for Cooling & Air Quality at DMT in Essen One of the dusts you offer is called “banknote dust”. But surely genuine banknotes are not shredded in order

Accessible Apps | #explore

reader is called VoiceOver, on Android it’s TalkBack, on Samsung devices you have the Samsung screen reader, and Amazon devices use a function called VoiceView ... texting, shopping, finding your way through a city and, yes, even making phone calls, smartphones have become an integral part of the everyday lives of a lot ... to put on odd socks or what colour their shirt is, they can launch a video call and share their camera with sighted people. “This is a great help, especially

Inspired by nature: Bionic robots

apple to the German Chancellor is also based on a living creature: the so-called “FinGripper“ imitates the tail fin of a bony fish, or teleost. The gripper ... sloping and flat surfaces without slipping down. The tracks consist of so-called gecko tape, which was developed by biologist Prof. Dr. Stanislav Gorb. The ... those that are used in the elephant’s trunk from Festo. The structure of so-called cobots – collaborative robots which are intended to work hand in hand with

Protect children online|#explore

isn’t so! So my advice would be that it’s better to call the helpline once too often than not to call until it’s too late. The German section of “Innocence ... children into the digital age. One of the key points is to ensure that so-called interaction risks are also taken into account when it comes to giving games ... the far-left, far-right or Islamist extremes to contact them. We’ve been calling for a long time now for legally binding child protection standards - and

Coronavirus panic | #explore

for us to communicate our feelings and concerns openly to each other. I can call a friend or tell my partner that I'm worried and I don't know what to do ... However, I should consciously avoid dramatic choices of words, frantic calls to action and disseminating unverified information, so as not to infect others ... Bogus, graduate psychologist In recent weeks, pictures and stories of so-called Corona parties have also been doing the rounds. At what point does too much

Social Engineering: People as security vulnerabilities

then be used in attacks. For instance, you might take an apparently harmless call from someone who wants to speak to your colleague. And you might easily then ... buyer to pay over the cash. We’re also seeing more cases in which what we call emotet malware is being used. In these cases, criminals send their targets ... What exactly do you do? For example, our experts simulate attacker phone calls, send phishing mails and distribute adulterated USB sticks. In their tests

Profile: Katja Urbatsch

usually the first in their family to be studying or to have studied, and they call on their own educational history to inspire confidence in others. One pa ... easily comprehensible form on the website. Users of the service can also call an information hotline four days a week. The online community with its volunteer ... what it actually means to work toward a degree. There’s no experience to call on in their own social environment and no-one to answer their questions.

What is ISO 45001?

safety of visitors or neighbours. A systematic approach based on the so-called STOP principle is generally used to eliminate safety and health risks. This ... legal certainty and lead to competitive advantages. In addition, the so-called High Level Structure of the standard means that organizations can combine

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