Improving security for browsers, routers and smart TVs.
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Hacker-proof in orbit.
How to unmask fake texts and protect yourself from them.
How deepfakes are created and how they can be recognised.
What makes ultrashort pulse lasers candidates for radiation protection testing.
Mehr Cybersicherheit für mehr Unternehmen in Europa.
How to make Internet communication hackproof.
How the AI Act will be used to regulate artificial intelligence in the EU.
How to keep your mobile home in good condition throughout the winter.
How lifts can be manipulated by hackers.
What makes the dismantling of nuclear power plants so costly.
Enjoying thrills safely: How G-forces are measured in roller coasters.
How crash test dummies are getting ever more realistic.
How TÜV India is testing the safety of new regional express trains in India.
How TÜV NORD experts secure flood gates in the Netherlands against hackers.
How drinking water destined for day care centres and schools is tested.
How DMT Safeguard contributed to safety in the flood-hit Rhine-Erft district.
These assistance systems for new cars will become mandatory from July.
How augmented reality is enabling remote testing.
How AI can be tested for the autonomous car.
How ISO 15118 will facilitate the charging of electric cars and support the energy transition.
How mathematical models and simulations can make our lives safer.
How safe is an electric car?
What digitalisation means for IT security on trains.
How to test an automated maglev train.
Julia von Weiler from the society "Innocence in Danger" tells, what parents can do and what school and politics need to do.