Richard Gutjahr sitzt vor einem Computer

Richard Gutjahr: “Social media are a blessing and a curse.”

05 July 2018

As a journalist, Richard Gutjahr uses the means of digitalisation very consciously. For example, by handing over a video shot during the attacks in Nice to public service broadcasters instead of posting it on social media. Another example is his open-data platform LobbyPlag which unveils the influence of lobbyists on legislation. In 2013, he was nominated for the renown German “Grimme-Preis” since, according to the jury, his analyses and ideas are something the democratic society benefits from.

Richard Gutjahr





How would you explain what you do for a living to a digital layman?
I write stuff on the Internet.

How many hours a day do you spend on the Internet?
Significantly more than I spend asleep.

Which five apps wouldn’t you be able to live without, professionally and privately?
Mail. Safari (browser). Wallet. Tweetbot. Slack. Does it still make sense to distinguish between private and professional use?

What is the next big thing in the world of the Net?
Augmented Reality.

Do you take your mobile to bed with you?
Of course.

How do you protect your data from hackers?
I use PGP for confidential mails.

Can you give us a rough number of the devices connected to the Internet in your house - from your Wi-Fi printer to your TV?
6 smart speakers, a dozen light bulbs, several iPads and the TV... about 50, I would say.

Please complete the following sentences:

Social media are ...
... a blessing and a curse.

A day without Wi-Fi is ...
... like a flower without water.

The increasing networking of the digital world is ...
... perhaps the greatest adventure in the history of mankind.

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