20 October 2016
Networked and autonomous driving is the future of mobility. In this interview, Carsten Winkelbach, director of the Institute for Vehicle Technology and Mobility at TÜV NORD, explains what is at stake for the future when it comes to security.
Getting Around 4.0: New technologies brought about by digitalisation will soon allow drivers to pass on responsibility to their cars. Modern cars will in the future communicate with their surroundings, automatically adjust their speed to suit traffic conditions and apply the brakes in good time in the event of accidents and traffic jams - all without help of the driver. “The issue of ‘networked driving’ is taking us into completely new territory which will also need careful consideration in the future,” explains Carsten Winkelbach, director of the Institute for Vehicle Technology and Mobility at TÜV NORD. This, he adds, is because autonomous driving will require new safety and security standards, from the brakes through to the back-end server of the vehicle. So the mobility experts at TÜV NORD will in the future need to work closely with IT professionals to guarantee integrated security and to protect the cars, for example, against hacker attacks from the outside.
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2025020313202784edbb4c Event:ABOUT CARSTEN WINKELBACH
Carsten Winkelbach is the director of the Institute for Vehicle Technology and Mobility at TÜV NORD.