Site Evaluation

The building protects the facilities of a data center. For self-protection, the location of the building with regard to the surrounding potential risks, as well as the positioning of the security area within the building, plays an important role.

If these influencing factors are identified and avoided at an early stage, or if they are mitigated structurally and technically, potential risks from water, explosion, building collapse and rubble, vibration and hazardous substances can be controlled. Likewise, traffic routes with frequent transports of hazardous materials should be avoided in order to avoid possible direct or indirect effects, such as blocked access roads.

Selecting a suitable environment is one of the first steps when making the decision to build a high secure data center. The catalogue of criteria TSI.STANDARD defines requirements for this, which have been derived from references like the EN 50600. The achievable security level thus ultimately also depends on the location and possibly the control of environmental hazards.

Our services

In this context, TÜV NORD offers environmental risk assessments to guarantee an optimal starting position for the planned data center.

Subject are the following activities:

  • Evaluation of the site selection on the basis of documents to be submitted (if possible: environmental map (2.0 km radius) with indication of the planned data center location, site plan, short exposé, pipeline routes, customer risk analysis of the surrounding area, commercial tenant occupation in the immediate distance to the site, etc.)
  • Inspection of the planned site by a TÜV NORD auditor (max. 1 day, incl. travel and return),
  • Evaluation of the basic suitability of the site and consistency with the planned TSI level,
  • Raising awareness of potential site risks,
  • List of the obvious commercial tenants with risk assessment within a radius of 500 m
  • Summary of the results in an assessment report.

Further services