symmedia GmbH |
remote service portal-software
symmedia SP/1, Version 12 |
6148.24 |
18.01.2026 |
Vodafone GmbH |
Vodafone Secure SIM (VSS) - Secure Login, V1.0 |
TUVIT-PQ6122.13 |
30.09.2015 |
data communication solutions GmbH |
data erasure software for hard drives with magnetic data carriers
dWipe, Version 1.1 |
TUVIT-PQ6123.13 |
31.08.2015 |
thyssenkrupp Elevator Innovation GmbH |
MaxBox HV02.00
6135.19 |
30.04.2021 |
Huawei Technologies Research & Development (UK) Ltd. |
Hi2115 with nuSIM, version 2020-07 |
6138.20 |
16.07.2022 |
HID Global GmbH |
Physical Access Control Credential, Seos, FW releases 1.1.27 & 1.1.28 |
6145.22 |
17.07.2024 |
CoCoNet Computer-Communication Networks GmbH |
MULTIVERSA Token for Mobile, version 2.0.4 |
6142.21 |
26.07.2023 |
Commsolid GmbH |
nuSIM, GR851xxxxxU, rev. D |
6144.22 |
24.02.2024 |
RedTea Mobile Pte. Ltd. |
RedteaSIM OS v1.2.8 - nuSIM v1.1.2.8 |
6143.22 |
12.09.2024 |
HID Global GmbH |
Physical Access Control Credential, Seos, SLJ52 v1.5.3 |
6146.22 |
20.10.2024 |
HID Global GmbH |
Physical Access Control Credential, Seos, SLC36, v1.1.36 |
6147.22 |
25.10.2024 |
HID Global Corporation |
Physical Access Control Credential
Seos, SLC36 v1.1.36 |
6149.24 |
06.12.2026 |
RedTea Mobile Pte. Ltd. |
RedteaSIM OS - nuSIM_App_nRF9120,
V1.0.9.0 |
6150.25 |
10.01.2027 |