ISO 50001:2018 Auditor Conversion Training Course (2087)
The aim of this course is to equip existing auditors of other management system standards with the knowledge and skills required to perform audits of energy management systems against ISO 50001, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable.

Course Details
In detail, the training course will provide students with the basis to become a competent Lead Auditor, including via the following:
- purpose of an energy management system
- explain the role of an energy management system and the business and environmental benefits of improving energy performance
- explain the interrelationship between management responsibility, energy policy, energy planning, implementation of policy, checking performance, management review and continual improvement
- benefits of a quality management system
- writing audit reports
- generating audit findings
Successful completion of the course (including examination) will result in the issue of a certificate which may be used to support an application to become registered as an IRCA auditor. Being certified as an IRCA auditor is a clear statement that you are a recognized, qualified and capable auditing professional.
Recommended prior knowledge
The students are expected to know the concept of management systems, preferably through completion of a Lead Auditor Course in another discipline. Furthermore, they require knowledge of the requirements of ISO 50001 as well as of energy management principles and concepts. Successful participation is supported by knowledge of the principles of fuel combustion, heat transfer and energy flow as well as methods and technologies for increasing efficiency.
Prospective students who are not qualified auditors in other fields (QMS, EMS etc.) may find the 5-day IRCA/50001 EnMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course more appropriate