ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training Course (1892)
The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of occupational health and safety management systems against ISO 45001, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable.

Course Details
In detail, the training course will provide technical knowledge and practical skills to become a competent Lead Auditor. Amongst others you will learn about:
- purpose and benefits of an OHSMS
- the role of an auditor
- plan, conduct, report and follow-up an audit of an occupational health and safety management system to establish conformity with ISO 45001, and in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021 where appropriate
- generating audit findings
- processes involved in establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, measuring, analysing, evaluating, reviewing, maintaining and improving an OHSMS
- terms and definitions used in ISO 45001
- requirements for OHSMS documented information and the difference between maintaining and retaining documented information
- purpose and differences of first, second and third party audits
- role of the auditor
The training is highly interactive and consists of knowledge based sessions as well as practical exercises and role play sessions.
Successful completion of the course (continuous assessments and examination) will result in the issue of a certificate, which may be used to support an application to become registered as an IRCA auditor. In case of fail result of the examination, delegates have the right of a resit examination within 12 month of the last day of the course.
Being certified as an IRCA auditor is a clear statement that you are a recognized, qualified and capable auditing professional.
Recommended prior Knowledge
The students are expected to have basic knowledge of the PDCA-cycle, the core elements of management systems, concepts of hazard identification, risk assessment and control, prevention of work-related injury, relevant national and local OH&S legislation and requirements and the ISO 45001.
Group of participants
All those who require detailed knowledge of OHSMS auditing processes are welcome: Prospective OHSMS auditors, management system consultants, relevant level of management who are involved in ISO 45001 implementation and maintenance, personnel working with regulatory authorities. The number of delegates is limited to max. 20 people.