Safe Rail Vehicles with TÜV NORD
TÜV NORD assists manufacturers and operators throughout the approval process for rail vehicles. Specifically focusing on the rail vehicle subsystem, we provide impartial validation of the accuracy of your design measures, ensuring alignment with both national and European standards.
The Vehicle Subsystem

In the railway sector, the rail vehicle subsystem constitutes the vehicle-side part of a rail system. It encompasses the components and systems of a train, including running gear, propulsion system, braking system, control systems, vehicle-side power supply, and other associated subsystems.
The increasing demands on trains concerning their comfort, speed, efficiency, and safety result in an increasingly complex construction and technology.
TÜV NORD supports you with independent assessments and testing services on your journey towards a safe vehicle.
With our experts, we assist you in the following core areas, among others:
- Mechanics: Strength, materials, welding technology
- Electrics: Insulation, electrical integrity, control technology, electromagnetic compatibility
- In matters of overarching importance: Noise emission, fire protection
Rolling Stock Approval
To be authorized for operation, rail vehicles must comply with a variety of standards. For mainline railways at the European level, these conditions are outlined in the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), and at the national level, they adhere to the National Notified Technical Rules (NNTR) as well as the Railway Construction and Operating Regulations (Eisenbahn-, Bau- und Betriebsordnung, EBO). For trams, the decisive regulations are found in the German Construction and Operation Ordinance for Tramways (Bau- und Betriebsordnung von Straßenbahnen BOStrab).
Our specialized experts support operators, system integrators, and manufacturers in both the qualification of rail-bound vehicles as a complete system and individual vehicle components. In this context, we provide expert opinions and conduct the necessary EC conformity assessments and certifications on your behalf.
ISA, CENELEC, CSM - Our Services at a Glance
EC Conformity Assessments and Certification
- Conformity assessment regarding the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI)
- Conformity assessment regarding the Notified National Technical Rules (NNTR) in Germany and Luxembourg
- Planning and execution of tests to demonstrate functionality and exclude undesirable effects on other functions
- Strength tests
- Fire protection tests
- Strength calculations and lifespan analyses
- Training on the CENELEC standards framework
- Training on Functional Safety
Inspections and Assessments
- Independent Safety Assessments (ISA) in accordance with national legal requirements
- Inspections according to the CENELEC standards framework, DIN EN 5012x
- Inspections in line with the Common Safety Method CSM (402/2013)
- Functional safety inspections according to IEC 61508
- Strength assessments (vehicle structure, chassis, bogies, couplings and buffers)
- Running dynamics
- Wheelsets
- Brake and traction systems
- Expert opinions and damage analyses
- Assessment of vehicle modifications
Your advantage in working with TÜV NORD
Our Expertise
- Independence and Neutrality
- Specialized experts with extensive experience
- Experts recognized by the German Federal Railway Authority (EBA)
- Accredited inspection body according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 (DAkkS)
- Notified Body (NoBo)
- Designated Body (DeBo) in Luxembourg
- Interim DeBo in Germany
- Independent Assessment Body (AsBo)
- Partner of regional and municipal authorities (State Railway Authority (LfB, TAB))
- Associated partner of the German Notified Body
Your Benefits
- Protection of individuals and the environment
- Cross-system expertise from an integrated provider
- Comprehensive support from our experts
- Independent and tailored advice
- Officially recognized assessments
- In-depth knowledge of homologation processes