The future is...
Electric Blue!
Our new logo
The centrepiece of our brand change is our new logo. Future-oriented, concise and impressive, it fits into the new overall appearance of a strong TÜV NORD GROUP.
In line with the testing, inspection and certification business, our new logo has a high-quality label design and thus visually resembles a seal of quality: we make no compromises when it comes to quality, safety and sustainability. Because only what successfully passes our tests, verifications and certifications deserves our best - the TÜV NORD label.
More refreshing. More modern. More diverse.
Our new Corporate Design
It's time to make a statement! From now on, we are setting clear accents with new, bright colours. Flexible in use, they represent the agility and mobility that our solutions offer customers on the market.
At the same time, they stand for the many different faces, strengths and competences at TÜV NORD. They form the framework of our success - and have done so for over 150 years.

We are family!
Strong performance. Strong brand. Strong GROUP.
We are proud to be part of the TÜV NORD GROUP - and everyone can see that from now on.
Our new brand landscape shows one thing first and foremost: TÜV NORD GROUP is a unit in diversity. Fundamentally different in terms of the detailed competencies of the business units, and yet we all pursue a common goal under the GROUP umbrella. We offer products and services worldwide from a single source and focus our activities on our customers.
For this, we bundle our diverse competences and move forward together more than ever. Our common future is electric blue!

Our brand values
What does our brand stand for & what makes it special?

We are human.
We speak technology and feel human. Behind TÜV NORD are many different faces with diverse expertise. This means that we offer services by people, for people, for everyone.
We speak facts.
Independence is our credo. Our work is characterized by trustworthiness, credibility and seriousness. Verified facts are not only the basis, but also the goal of our actions.

We want to know.
For us, knowledge is not a state, but a continuous process. That is why we approach new - but also existing - security topics with curiosity, openness and a willingness to learn, conduct research on them and continuously educate ourselves.
We think ahead.
Looking to the future, we pick up on current technical trends and developments, ensure that innovations are successfully launched on the market and actively help shape tomorrow.

We act.
Keeping in mind the goal of sustainably strengthening the trust of society and the economy in new technologies, we do not shy away from any responsibility and face all challenges with strength and determination.
We go together.
We cultivate cooperation at eye level and see ourselves as fellows and partners in success at the side of our customers. The combined competencies of the GROUP enable us to provide customized services and solutions.

New brand, same passion.
The most important questions and answers
TÜV NORD is an outstandingly strong brand. However, lasting value and a positive perception are not ends in themselves; they are subject to constant change. The blue TÜV NORD brand is almost 20 years old and has to compete with other providers in terms of quality, internationality, digitalization, and sustainability. The objective for a brand relaunch was therefore, on the one hand, to position the brand in the digital age in terms of typography and color.
At the same time, many brands and logos have been added nationally as a result of acquisitions, shareholdings, etc. The fact that they too are all part of the global TÜV NORD Group is a major challenge. The fact that they all belong to the worldwide TÜV NORD Group was not made clear by the brand architecture until now. This is now changing.
With TÜV NORD GROUP, there will continue to be an umbrella brand. The four existing core brands (TÜV NORD, DMT, ALTER, TÜV IT) will also retain their history and identity.
A specific date has not been defined. The divisions/business units ensure that their brand conversions are carried out quickly and at the same time as cost-efficiently as possible.
The go-live dates TÜV NORD GROUP (Nov 22, 2022), DMT (Nov 23, 2022), ALTER (Dec 5, 2022), TÜV NORD (Jan 30, 2023). International TÜV NORD companies, companies with TÜV NORD addition (e.g. TUVINDIA) or other designations (e.g. NORDKURS) will follow in the course of 2023.
TÜV IT already presented its brand image at the IT security trade fair it-sa in Nuremberg on October 25, 2022.
All business units and national as well as international entities are involved in the rebranding and will successively convert websites, stationery, marketing material, etc. in 2023.
With the new brand positioning, we are also visually combining the operational strengths of all business areas. We are creating new synergies and opportunities and communicating this with a new uniform brand image in "electric blue", thus strengthing the trust in new technologies and ensuring that innovations are successfully launched on the market.