Damage investigation, materials engineering and materials testing in an accredited test lab

The Institute for Materials Testing is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Our employees are certified as necessary in accordance with DIN EN 473. We specialize in all questions and problems in materials engineering. We can help you with appropriate testing to demonstrate the quality of your products and to optimise the choice of materials.
Through damage investigations (learning from mistakes) products are optimised, further damage is avoided, and defects in products are demonstrated.
TÜV NORD handles your questions and difficulties in a team. We are constantly striving to increase our range of services. Please contact us at if you do not find your testing needs listed.
Our service spectrum includes tests in the laboratory and directly at the customer's site. We test for you according to regulations, standards, delivery specifications, company specifications, and other requirements. We discuss with you the useful application of testing procedures for your product and create specifications for you.
Our Services
- Mechanical technology testing
- Tensile test
- Notched-bar impact bending test
- Hardness tests - Manufacturing of test specimen for non-destructive testing
- Corrosion testing
- Metallographic testing
- Investigation with a scanning electron microscope with micro-analysis system
- Component testing
- Leakage tests
- Pressure tests
- Dynamic tests - Stress analysis using strain gauge technology
- Hardness tests
- Metallographic examinations (diagnostic component metallography)
- Material analysis and tests for mixed-up components (PMI test)
- Tests of high-temperature components (creep tests)
- Tests for thermal damage, e.g. after a fire
- Damage investigations