Conventional power plants at TÜV NORD

Where electricity generation fluctuates, flexible conventional power plants make secure capacity available using renewable sources. They make a significant contribution to bring the supply of power into line with the current demand, so as to maintain network stability. The increased use of cogeneration minimises conversion losses and achieves high standards of plant efficiency. Such plants must always be available whenever their contribution to secure service performance is required.
TÜV NORD offers a comprehensive package of services for centralised and decentralised power plants for different technologies:
- Steam turbine power plants
- Gas turbine power plants
- Combined cycle power plants
- Motor power plants / CHP
Conventional power plants − What we do
Our services include certification, inspection and engineering services. All have the following in common: Assistance from experienced, qualified experts, which contributes to compliance with an improvement in quality, process and resource optimisation and plant safety. Working together with its international companies,TÜV NORD operates worldwide. Our services cover the entire life cycle of power plants.
Our services
- Permit applications, permit management
- Expert opinion on environmental protection and environmental impact
- Safety and breakdown concepts together with acoustic and fire protection concepts
- Three-dimensional simulation methods in plant construction
- Modern simulation methods for piping systems Component design (strength, durability, fracture mechanics) certification of digital I & C Systems
- Conformity assessment e.g. for the Pressure Equipment Directive , ASME, Indian Boiler Regulations
- Construction and assembly supervision
- Performance measurement, determination of efficiency
- Production of unit certificates for connection to the grid (e.g. CHP)
- Periodic inspections as an Approved Inspection Agency (ZÜS)
- Expert opinion on functional safety
- Inspection concepts, service life monitoring
- Material testing, non-destructive testing (NDT)
- Service life concepts for flexible plant operation
- Emission monitoring
- Expert opinion on plant efficiency
- Certifications for IT security
- Residual life analysis
- Techno-economic asset valuations
Your benefits

- Experienced experts identify faults that could be routinely overlooked
- Independent assessments and expertise strengthen your position
- Punctual, regular inspections provide the basis for high plant availability
- Proper monitoring, measurement and analysis ensure that your plant is in good and safe condition.
- Highly flexible plant operation is ensured by the use of intelligent service life concepts