Environmental certification – a must-have in today’s market
In Germany, recovery and recycling of end-of-life vehicles is regulated by the German End-of-life Vehicle Ordinance of 21 June 2002, which in turn is based on the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrW-AbfG). The automotive industry has undertaken to implement the corresponding European End of Life Vehicles Directive 2000/53/EG throughout the world.
This means that, since 2002, passenger car owners who wish to scrap their vehicles are only permitted to do so by passing them on to an authorised acceptance or return point or to an authorised end of life vehicle recycling company (referred to in the Ordinance as an end of life dismantling facility). Only there is it possible to obtain official proof of final decommissioning and recycling, and only organisations with appropriate certification according to the Ordinance are permitted to issue the necessary documentation.

Acceptance points, dismantling points and shredder facilities: we can provide the necessary certification
Our independent experts perform annual inspections of your acceptance point / dismantling facility, and also your shredder facility, to ensure that they meet the necessary requirements. If the inspection is successful, you will receive a certificate or written confirmation in accordance with § 5 Clause 3 of the End-of-life Vehicle Ordinance.
The officially authorised organisations which we certify include acceptance points, e.g. in car dealerships, take-back facilities e.g. motor manufacturers and companies working on their behalf, dismantling facilities, shredder facilities and other treatment plants such as scrap metal and general scrap dealers.
Vehicle repair workshops, which also act as acceptance points, are generally inspected by the relevant guild.