RED II - Sustainability Certification
The Renewable Energy Directive RED II (Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001) came into force on 01/07/2021 and was implemented into national law in Germany on 24/11/2021 with the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (BioSt-NachV).

What is New?
One of the most important innovations of RED II is the inclusion of forestry-derived biomass as well as gaseous and solid biomass fuels for the generation of electricity and heat. This means that not only bioliquids and biofuels, but all types of bioenergy sources are included. In addition, the new directive includes extensive sustainability requirements. In future, it will not only be biofuel plants but also bioenergy plants that generate electricity, heat or cooling above a defined threshold that will have to prove the sustainable production of their biomass feedstock. This includes biogas plants with a total rated thermal input of 2 MWFWL or more and biomass power plants with a total rated thermal input of 20 MWFWL. or more.
Another specification of RED II concerns the requirements for greenhouse gas savings that must be achieved. For the first time, new plants for electricity and heat generation must also demonstrate savings. A reduction rate of at least 70 % shall apply to electricity, heating and cooling production from biomass fuels in plants that start operation after 01/01/2021 and a reduction rate of at least 80 % shall apply to plants that start operation after 01/01/2026.
Who is RED II Aimed at?
According to the directive, “economic operators” are obliged to provide transparent and traceable evidence of the entire production and supply chain of solid, liquid and gaseous biomass, from the cultivation of the biomass to its conversion in electricity and heat generation plants. This can only be achieved through independent certification systems such as REDcert EU, ISCC EU and SURE. REDcert and SURE are the most important certification systems for biogas/biomethane plants.
Certification With TÜV NORD
TÜV NORD CERT GmbH is recognised by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany and is registered by the ISCC, REDcert and SURE as a certification body for respective standards of these certification schemes.

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