Information security for data protection
Every day, your organisation is surrounded by a wide variety of confidential information and data which have to be protected against the growing threat from cyber attacks and data theft. Responsible handing of information is therefore more important than ever, and the aspects of confidentiality, availability and integrity are becoming increasingly significant.
A well-functioning information security management system (ISMS) supports your organisation in closing loopholes within the IT structures and minimising data security risks. The criteria for establishment, implementation, operation, surveillance and continuous improvement of a documented ISMS are defined by the globally recognised ISO 27001 Standard.
With certification according to ISO 27001, you can provide objective and credible evidence of the effectiveness of your information security management system (ISMS), as the globally recognised standard defines the requirements for establishment, implementation, documentation and improvement of an ISMS. Existing risks for your organisation are identified, analysed and then eliminated based on effective and appropriate measures. This means you can protect your confidential data and improve the integrity and availability of your IT systems.
What are the benefits of ISO 27001 certification?
- Effective protection for your information, data and business processes
- Fewer risks and greater opportunities through identification and elimination of loopholes in information handling
- Increased security awareness of your personnel
- Proof of confidence to clients, business partners and investors
- Continuous improvement of your IT processes
- Lower costs due to fewer security incidents
What is the content of ISO 27001?
Also including legal, regulatory and contractual rules and regulations, ISO 27001 defines the requirements in order to establish, implement, operate, monitor and document your ISMS. Existing risks for your organisation are identified, analysed and then eliminated based on effective and appropriate measures. In addition to hacker attacks, this also includes other disturbances which can lead to unplanned process downtimes or even bring the entire operation to a standstill.
ISO 27001 is not limited only to IT processes, it also takes aspects of infrastructure into consideration – such as organisation, personnel and buildings. Data security is becoming an ever more important factor in competition. This applies above all to operators of critical infrastructures (KRITIS), who, according to the BSI Act (Federal Office for Information Security), are obliged to guarantee a certain minimum level of IT security.
The Plan-Do-Check-Act model which forms the basis of ISO 27001 also guarantees continuous improvement of your security operations. Thanks to its High Level Structure, it can be completely integrated into an existing management system according to ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.
Certification is addressed to organisations and companies from all sectors, from manufacturing industry through traders up to service providers. TÜV NORD also offers internal and external IT service providers certification according to ISO 20000-1 for high-performance IT Service Management.
If you would like to be certified according to ISO 27001, you must have introduced a system for risk management into your organisation, including identification, analysis, evaluation and handling of risks, and also consideration of the scope of certification.
Climate Change Considerations to Management System Standards
On 22 February 2022, the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) IAF published a joint communiqué to highlight the addition of climate change considerations to a number of existing ISO management system standards (MSS).
Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of the MSS are affected. This is to ensure that climate change issues are considered by the organization in the context of the effectiveness of the management system in addition to all other aspects.
Certification with TÜV NORD
TÜV NORD is a reliable internationally recognised partner for inspection and certification services. Our specialists and auditors have in-depth knowledge based on experience, and they will support you in your certification process by providing objective feedback. Thanks to our global network, we can offer you our recognised inspection and certification services across borders all over the world.