Energy Efficiency & Sustainability in Data Centers – Trusted Site Energy Efficiency (TSE)

Free Whitepaper "Data Center Sustainability"
TSE – Trusted Site Energy Efficiency

Together with TÜV NORD to the sustainable & energy-efficient operation of your data center

Energy efficiency and sustainability are becoming increasingly important for the data center industry. This is also underlined by the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, which aims to achieve climate neutrality for data centers by 2030 at the latest. The current coalition agreement of the German government also provides for CO2 neutrality for new data centers in 2027 and passed and published the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG) on 17 November 2023, which defines far-reaching requirements for energy-efficient data center operation.

At EU level, there are further extensive initiatives by two different ministries (DG ENER & DG CONNECT) that focus on data centers as "energy-intensive objects" in order to take account of the EU Commission's Green Deal.

With the developed TSE methodology (Trusted Site Energy Efficiency), TÜV NORD provides market players (e.g. designers, installers, operators of data centers as well as supervisory authorities) with an effective tool with which they can strive for, implement and verify the most sustainable and energy-efficient operation of their data centers. The basis for this is the introduction of a data center-specific energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with ISO 50001:2018.

With regard to the new EU directives, TSE offers a modular system that can be used to meet the requirements of the EU taxonomy, the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Data Center Maturity Model (EN 50600-5). In addition, the introduction of a data center-specific energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 as required by the new Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG, §12) is also taken into account.

TÜV NORD CERT fulfills the requirements as an accredited certification body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021. TÜV NORD CERT can therefore carry out the required audits and certifications in relation to the EU taxonomy, the EED and the Energy Efficiency Act (e.g. in accordance with ISO 50001).

  Determination of the maturity degree of your energy management

Through an audit & certification according to TSE, you determine the current maturity degree of your energy management & identify possible optimization potential.

  Continuous improvement of the energy efficiency of your data center

With the help of our TSE methodology, you can continuously improve and increase the energy efficiency and sustainability of your data center.

  Effective in external presentation

With the TSE certificate you prove that the topics of energy efficiency and sustainability are appropriately applied and further developed in your company.

Whitepaper: The Jungle of Sustainability

The free whitepaper provides an overview of the current instruments and standards on the topic of “sustainability, resource and energy efficiency” with a view from the data center operations.

Assessment & certification basis: Our TSE.STANDARD

TÜV NORD's own criteria catalog TSE.STANDARD displays a maturity model for the energy efficiency and sustainability aspects of a data center. Through individual maturity degrees (maturity degrees 1-4), the understanding and the options for action for the energy requirements within the data center are improved step by step.

The goal is the gradual introduction and continuous optimization of a data center-specific energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001:2018.

To this end, the TSE.STANDARD offers data center operators a systematic approach to identifying and implementing efficiency measures. For this purpose, it includes comprehensive requirements and recommendations in the form of best practices of the data center industry, such as the EU Code of Conduct. These best practices also form the basis for sustainability reporting according to the new EU Taxonomy for Data Centers and can be evaluated using TSE.STANDARD.

Furthermore, the TSE.STANDARD adapts the new EN 50600 Part 5 (Maturity Model) and maps its content, so that in the future, compliance with the standard can also be confirmed with a certificate.

Your benefits at a glance

Optimize energy efficiency
Using the TSE methodology, you improve energy efficiency as well as energy usage within your data center.

Possibility of downstream ISO 50001 certification
Extending EMS to the entire enterprise enables simplified ISO 50001 certification. 

Reduction of energy costs
Reduce existing energy costs by implementing an efficient energy management system.

Potential standard conformity to EN 50600 Part 5
Based on the certification according to TSE, it is also possible to achieve standard conformity to EN 50600 Part 5.

Act with foresight
With a TSE certificate, you are optimally prepared for possible legal requirements in this area.

Competitive advantages thanks to TSE certificate
The objectively confirmed, sustainable handling of resources sets you apart from your competitors.

Consistent improvement of data center energy efficiency
Our experts support you in setting up structures for a continuous improvement process.

TÜV verification of energy management system
With this certificate, you may benefit from reductions based on legal requirements.

Our services for improving the energy efficiency of data centers


Transfer of knowledge for the evaluation & certification of energy efficiency & sustainability of data centers according to TSE.STANDARD.

Conformity Assessments

Determination of the maturity degree of your energy management & identification of optimization potentials.


Certification of the energy efficiency & sustainability of your data center according to TSE.STANDARD.

Assessment Areas of the TSE.STANDARD Criteria Catalog

The criteria catalog defines requirements for a total of 4 maturity degree. The requirements are each divided into 3 subject areas. These are in detail:

MGM | Management

The MGM area takes into account the basics of an energy management system according to ISO 50001.

ITC: Information & Telecommunication Systems

The ITC area maps the requirements for energy-efficient procurement and use of IT equipment.

INF: Infrastructure

The INF area maps the requirements for energy monitoring and the implementation of best practice examples.

Assessment level: Overview of the 4 different maturity degrees


Maturity Degree 1 - Energy Efficiency READY  

The prerequisites for an EMS are created (structures, responsibilities, descriptions & templates) and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the data center are identified.


Maturity Degree 2 - Energy Efficiency IMPLEMENTED 

The EMS from maturity degree 1 has been introduced and is active. The first optimization measures are being implemented.


Maturity Degree 3 - Energy Efficiency IMPROVED

An improvement in energy efficiency is proven.


Maturity Degree 4 - Energy Efficiency EXCELLENCE

Continuous improvement in energy efficiency has been demonstrated and cross-divisional measures are being implemented.

Why assess and certify according to TSE.STANDARD?

Data centers are of central importance to industry and society, but at the same time require a lot of energy. While the energy demand of EU-wide data centers was still 76.8 TWh in 2018, studies forecast a 28% increase in demand to 98.5 TWh in 2030. This makes it clear: data centers must become more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly in the future.

With an audit and certification according to TSE.STANDARD, you as a data center operator continuously improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of your data center. By using energy efficiently, you reduce the energy costs in your data center, thereby saving cash and protecting the environment at the same time. In addition, you also benefit from competitive advantages and demonstrate your responsible and conscientious use of resources to the outside world with the TSE certificate.

Your way to the TSE certificate


Workshop (Optional)

As preparation for the examination & certification according to TSE.STANDARD we offer you optionally the realization of a workshop.


Documentation Analysis

Our experts check your documentation according to the requirements of the TSE.STANDARD criteria catalog.


On-Site Audit

In the course of an on-site audit, our experts examine the implementation of energy efficiency measures in your data center.


Assessment Report

After performing the document review & on-site audit, our experts will provide you with an individual audit report with compiling the results.



Upon successful fulfillment of the required criteria, you will receive the desired TSE certificate from us. This is initially valid for one year.

Are you interested in an assessment & certification according to TSE.STANDARD?


Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

What requirements must be met for the TSE.STANDARD certification?

The TSE.STANDARD consists of the three thematically separated assessment areas:

  • MGM: Management
    Basics of an energy management system according to ISO 50001
  • ICS: Information and communication systems
    Requirements for the procurement of energy-efficient IT equipment and its energetically optimal use
  • INF: Infrastructure
    Requirements for energy monitoring and the implementation of best practice examples

Each of these areas contain requirements in the form of evaluation criteria.

How long is a certificate valid?

One year.


Can I receive an ISO 50001 certificate with the TSE.STANDARD?

With certification according to TSE.STANDARD, you lay the foundation for an effective energy management system. This gives you the opportunity to expand this to the entire company and achieve a conformity to the ISO 50001 by TÜV NORD.

Can I comply with the EN 50600-5 with the TSE.STANDARD?

The EN 50600-5 part of the standard is currently still in draft form. However, the requirements from this standard have already been integrated into the TSE.STANDARD, so that conformity with the standard can be awarded an additional certificate at a later date.

Why we are a strong partner for you


Our employees are not subject to any conflicts of interest, as they are not committed to any product suppliers, system integrators, stakeholders, interest groups or government agencies.


Our experts have many years of experience in evaluation and certification of data centers and provide competent support in every area of infrastructure.

International network of experts

Around the globe: We support you both nationally and internationally. Our global network of experts is ready to help you in word and deed in all IT security issues.

Industry experience

Due to many years of experience in different branches of industry we can serve companies from a wide range of industries.

Tailor-made for you

We focus on individual services - and solutions - that optimally fit your current company situation and your set goals.
You have questions? We are pleased to help!


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