Electronic identification (eID): basis of trustworthy communication

With us you can rely on secure eID services

If, as an identity provider, you wish to offer an electronic identification solution that is also recognized at the European level, you will have to comply with the legal framework of the eIDAS Regulation and have your eID system notified accordingly. The three security levels of low, substantial and high are of crucial importance. They express the level of trust in the identity of the people involved and go hand in hand with increasing security requirements that must be complied with when identifying, authenticating and managing identities.

We can support you in the eID sector in the following ways: In a project-specific workshop, we will go through the relevant test requirements with you, answer any specific questions you may have and prepare you in the best possible way for any upcoming tests or notifications. As part of a gap analysis, we will evaluate the currently achieved security level and inform you about areas where there is still need for optimization. Following a document review and an on-site audit, we will confirm the security level that you have achieved. Furthermore, our training courses will give you a basic insight into the world of eIDAS & ETSI.

Our services in the field of electronic identification


Training courses introducing you to the world of eIDAS & ETSI

Project-specific workshops to prepare for certification

GAP analysis to classify the current security level

The standards we use to audit:


Electronic Identification: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Electronic Identification: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Electronic Identification: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Electronic Identification: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation

eIDAS Regulation

Assessment of the requirements set out in Chapter II "Electronic identification" of the eIDAS Regulation.

Electronic Identification: Testing according to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1502 Electronic Identification: Testing according to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1502 Electronic Identification: Testing according to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1502 Electronic Identification: Testing according to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1502

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1502

Contains the minimum technical specifications and procedures for security levels for electronic identification means.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Training your employees with regard to eIDAS: Our training prepares your employees for the examination aspects of the eIDAS Conformity Assessment and turns them into in-house eIDAS.PROFESSIONALs.
  • Identification of areas in need of optimization: You will be made aware of existing non-conformities and the potential for specific improvement with regard to the eIDAS-compliant implementation of your eID service, thereby paving the way to successful certification.
  • Objective confirmation of your security level: The fact that the security level you have achieved (low, substantial or high) with your eID service has been evaluated and confirmed by an independent third party will serve as proof to customers and regulators.
  • Conformity assessment as a gateway to the European market: A successful certification forms the basis for the EU notification of your eID system and therefore opens the door to the European market.

What is electronic identification (eID)?

Electronic identification systems according to eIDAS aim to significantly simplify identification for the cross-border provision of administrative services at the European level. Companies also benefit from these eID systems, as they can be used in a corporate environment. This saves time and effort and makes communication with customers easier. Electronic identification systems have already been introduced in many Member States (such as the online ID function of identity cards in Germany).

The eIDAS Regulation provides for the harmonization of the various national eID systems at the (security) technical level. The Regulation aims to achieve interoperability between those systems. This is ensured by a voluntary notification procedure of the European Commission, in which Member States can have their national systems notified. The eIDAS Regulation regulates the legal framework conditions for mutual recognition. It distinguishes three security levels (Levels of Assurance): "low", "substantial" and "high".

Notified eID systems are recognized across borders and allow access to national administrative services both for citizens of the Member State and for EU citizens of other Member States. To achieve this, the notified eID system used must have a security level equal to or higher than that required for the administrative service.

Why we are a strong partner for you


Our experienced experts have already successfully completed more than 500 PKI projects of various sizes, some of which were transnational.

Industry experience

Due to many years of experience in different branches of industry we can serve companies from a wide range of industries.

Everything from a single source

We offer an all-round eIDAS package: From training and workshops, planning support and audits all the way to conformity assessment (certification).

Tailor-made for you

We focus on individual services - and solutions - that optimally fit your current company situation and your set goals.

International network of experts

Around the globe: We support you both nationally and internationally. Our global network of experts is ready to help you in word and deed in all IT security issues.


Our employees are not subject to any conflicts of interest, as they are not committed to any product suppliers, system integrators, stakeholders, interest groups or government agencies.
You have questions? We are pleased to help!

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