Our eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training course provides the participants with extensive information on the requirements of eIDAS with regard to trust services in conjunction with EU Regulation No. 910/2014. This makes it possible to match the requirements to the various trust services according to eIDAS and compare these to the relevant ETSI standards.
The eIDAS.PROFESSIONALS listed here have satisfied the following requirements:
- Participation in the 5-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training course
- Successful completion of the examination at the end of the training
eIDAS.PROFESSIONALS do not work on behalf of TÜV NORD and are not eIDAS examiners or experts authorized by TÜV NORD. Furthermore, no statement is made about the specific professional qualifications of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONALS.

The eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL status is valid for 24 months and can be extended for a further 24 months within the framework of a one-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Update Training course.
Name | First name | Company | Country | Valid until |
Bähr | Nicolas | msg systems AG | Deutschland | 31.05.2026 |
Carvalho | Claudia | Gabinete Nacional de Segurança | Portugal | 31.05.2026 |
Reis Paulino Cascalheira | Telmo José | Gabinete Nacional de Segurança | Portugal | 31.05.2026 |
Yoneya | Yoshiro | Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community | Japan | 31.05.2026 |
Sogabe | Yamato | Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community | Japan | 31.05.2026 |
Septina Br Pelawi | Dewi | Bank Indonesia Department of Digital Innovation and Development | Indonesien | 31.05.2026 |
Rizky | Kevin Eza | Bank Indonesia Department of Digital Innovation and Development | Indonesien | 31.05.2026 |
Niinre | Jürgen | B.EST Solutions Estonia OÜ | Estland | 31.05.2026 |
Louis | Dayanand | THALES QFZ | Katar | 31.05.2026 |
Fevereiro Mendes | Fernando | CategoryParticle, Lda | Portugal | 31.05.2026 |
Papadaki | Evangelia | ADACOM S.A. | Greece | 20.10.2025 |
Kampe | Danilo | D-Trust GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Helmke | Yannick Paulus | PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Gutierrez De La Mata | Manuel | NETMA - NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development | Spain | 20.10.2025 |
Messia | Mirko | NETMA - NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development | Spaini | 20.10.2025 |
Hunter | Stuart | NETMA - NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development | England | 20.10.2025 |
Klintberg | Gunnar | CGI | Sweden | 20.10.2025 |
Corsten | Severin | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Forbringer | Florian | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Heil | Marian | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Mierau | Andreas | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Puettmann | Rene | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Schmidt-Ott | Susanne | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Kuss | Sascha | BWI GmbH | Germany | 20.10.2025 |
Bagnert | Lars | Go-HBD AB | Sweden | 09.10.2022 |
Bravo | Lucas | Electronic Identification S.L. | Spain | 31.05.2025 |
Davilla Valls | Ana | Electronic Identification S.L. | Spain | 12.05.2025 |
Tscherning | Thomas | Danish Agency for Digital Government | Denmark | 12.05.2025 |
Jørgensen | Karina Cecilie | Danish Agency for Digital Government | Denmark | 12.05.2025 |
Özcan | Tugba | TÜBITAK BILGEM - KAMU SERTIFIKASYON MERKEZI | Turkey | 12.05.2025 |
Euwens | Roeland | Davinci-Consulting BV | Niederlande | 21.10.2024 |
García de Lomana | Diana | Electronic Identification S.L. | Spain | 31.05.2025 |
Gil | Elena | BRANDDOCS | Spain | 31.05.2025 |
Lam | Johan | Ministerie van Defensie | Netherlands | 28.10.2023 |
Lindemann | Torben | Airbus Defence and Space GmbH | Germany | 21.10.2024 |
Maček | Matija | Government Croatia Fund for reconstruction | Croatia | 31.05.2025 |
Moehn | Manfred | Swisscom AG | Switzerland | 09.10.2022 |
North | Laura | Finnish Transport and Communications Agency | Finnland | 21.10.2024 |
Petcu | Gabriel | Certsign S.A. | Romania | 28.10.2023 |
Pimpão | Nuno | Gabinete Nacional de Segurança (National Security Authority) | Portugal | 31.05.2025 |
Roseleur | Leon | Davinci-Consulting BV | Netherlands | 21.10.2024 |
Santos | Paulo | Gabinete Nacional de Segurança (National Security Authority) | Portugal | 31.05.2025 |
Sauer | Aylin | Airbus Defence and Space GmbH | Gernany | 21.10.2024 |
Schipke | Anja | Airbus Defence and Space GmbH | Deutschland | 21.10.2024 |
Voge | Mario | Swisscom AG | Switzerland | 09.10.2022 |
von Reinersdorff | Denisa | MediaMarktSaturn Technology | Germany | 09.10.2022 |
Zauner | Michael | MediaMarktSaturn Technology | Germany | 09.10.2022 |