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Register now for the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training!

Become an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL with us!

Our eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training system is your ideal preparation for the examination aspects of the eIDAS Conformity Assessment. During the five-day seminar, we will familiarize you with the current requirements of eIDAS, explain the standards structure published by ETSI and CEN and provide you with an overview of the contents and interaction of the important ETSI TS and EN. You will not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also put it into practice using ETSI EN 319 411-1 as an example.


Qualification with distinction: The eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training concludes with an examination which, if successfully completed, will crown your participation with the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL status. You will then be listed as an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL on our website.

Target group of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training

  • Individuals who are interested in working as an eIDAS Auditor
  • Employees of trust service providers or identification service providers
  • Individuals who are in the process of developing a TSP and would like to acquire the corresponding basic knowledge

Contents of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training

  • Introduction into, and history of, eIDAS
  • Status of implementation in the national legal system
  • Requirements for electronic identification
  • Requirements for trust Services (General provisions,  Supervision,  Qualified trust services,  Electronic signatures,  Electronic seals,  Electronic time stamps,  Services for electronic registered delivery,  Website authentication)
  • Procedure and contents of an audit of trust services according to eIDAS
  • Introduction into the structure of standards of ETSI and CEN
  • Overview of contents and interactions of the main ETSI TS and EN
  • Requirements for the documentation of trust service providers, for example CP/CPS
  • Interpretation of the ETSI requirements in practice using the example of ETSI EN 319 411-1
  • Procedure and contents of an audit according to ETSI requirements 
Certification scheme
  • Introduction into the certification scheme of TÜV NORD
  • General requirements on auditors and preconditions for accreditation as well as ethical principles for auditors
  • Involved parties and necessary interaction
  • Typical course of an audit project
  • Recommendation for action and approach during audits
  • Requirements and scheme of test reports

Your benefits at a glance

  • You are provided with the ideal preparation for the examination aspects of the eIDAS Conformity Assessment that is relevant to you.
  • You receive an extensive knowledge base about the requirements of eIDAS with respect to trust services and can assign these to the different trust services according to eIDAS.
  • You can compare trust services according to eIDAS with the relevant ETSI standards.
  • You will be recognized as an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL (listed on the website for 24 months) and receive an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL label for use in advertising.


TÜV NORD will award the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL status, provided that the client or training participant fulfills the following requirements:

  • Participation in the 5-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training
  • Successful completion of the examination at the end of the training

The status is valid for 24 months and can be extended for a further 24 months within the framework of a one-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Update Training course.


As an alternative to the general training dates, we also offer tailor-made inhouse training courses. You can request your individual offer conveniently online.

You have questions? We are pleased to help!