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Register now for the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training!

Become an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL with us!

Our eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training teaches you with the basic and advanced content of the eIDAS Regulation 910/2014 (version 2024/1183), important aspects of the relevant ETSI standards, the most important trust services and also prepares you optimally for the examination aspects of the eIDAS Conformity Assessment. Both parts of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training conclude with an optional exam that examines and confirms the acquired knowledge.

The eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training is divided into 2 Training parts.

The three-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Essential offers you an introduction into structure and history of the eIDAS Regulation, as well as an insight into Chapter I (General Provisions) and Chapter III (Trust Services). You will learn about all the trust services associated with eIDAS, receive an overview of the various services and an introduction to the ETSI and CEN standards structure, including ETSI EN 319 401 and ETSI EN 319 411-1/2. In addition, we will explain the hierarchy of the eIDAS legal framework and the basic options for identification. We will also give you an introduction to the EUDI Wallet and the NIS 2 Directive (NIS 2 Art 21). We recommend our eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Advanced course for a detailed look at the content of the audit and certification scheme within the framework of eIDAS.

The also three-day eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Advanced repeats the basic content of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Essential, including an introduction to the structure of eIDAS, a definition of trust services and a detailed overview of the various services. We will also deepen your knowledge of certificates for signatures and seals in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. We will deepen your understanding of subject and subscriber, the ETSI EN 319 411-1/2, deal with the topics of remote QSCD (ETSI TS 119 431 / EN 419 241-1 & -2), the time stamp (ETSI EN 319 421) and explain the new eIDAS service of qualified electronic attestation of attributes.

In addition, we offer you an insight into the TÜV NORD certification scheme as well as a detailed explanation of the general requirements for auditors and approval requirements. We will explain the involved authorities and the necessary interaction, outline the typical conformity assessment process, provide recommendations as well as a structured audit procedure. Finally, we will address further requirements and the structure of audit reports. 

Become an eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL now & register for the next training session:



Target group of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Training

  • Individuals who are interested in working as an eIDAS Auditor
  • Employees of trust service providers or identification service providers
  • Individuals who are in the process of developing a TSP and would like to acquire the corresponding basic knowledge
  • Employees of national supervisory authorities and other private and public cybersecurity organisations

Contents of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Essential

  • Introduction into, and history of eIDAS
  • Hierarchy of the eIDAS legal framework
  • Insight into the eIDAS chapters:
    I: General provisions and
    III: Trust services
  • Definition of trust services and overview of the various services
  • Definition of Identification and basic options
  • General information on the EUDI Wallet and NIS2 Art. 21
  • Introduction to the standardisation structure of ETSI and CEN
  • Overview of the content and interaction of the main ETSI TS and EN
  • ETSI TS 119 401 / ETSI EN 319 401
  • ETSI TS 119 411-1 / ETSI EN 319 411-1
  • ETSI TS 119 411-2 / ETSI EN 319 411-2
  • ETSI TS 119 421 / ETSI EN 319 421
Certification scheme
  • The topic of the audit and certification scheme is covered in detail in the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Advanced

Contents of the eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Advanced

  • Repetition of the basic content of eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL Essential:
    - Introduction to the structure and history of eIDAS
    - Definition of trust services and overview of the various services
  • Basic in-depth study of signatures, certificates and seals
  • Explanation of subject and subscriber
  • Execution of the topic of remote QSCD
  • Explanation of time stamps
  • Description of the qualified electronic attestation of attributes (QEAA)eIDAS
  • Introduction to the standardisation structure of ETSI and CEN
  • ETSI EN 319 403
  • ETSI EN 319 411-1/2
  • ETSI EN 319 421
  • ETSI TS 119 431 / EN 419241-1/2
  • ETSI TS 119 401 / ETSI EN 319 401
Certification scheme
  • Introduction of the TÜV NORD certification scheme
  • General authorisation - and evaluator requirements and evaluator ethics
  • Cooperation between the involved authorities
  • Typical conformity assessment procedure
  • Recommended action and procedure in an audit
  • Requirements and scheme for audit reports

Your benefits at a glance

  • You will be provided with extensive basic and advanced knowledge of the eIDAS regulation (status 2024/1183)
  • You will gain comprehensive knowledge of the eIDAS requirements for trust services and will be able to categorise these into the various trust services.
  • You will be able to compare trust services according to eIDAS with the relevant technical ETSI standards.
  • In addition to the basics of the conformity assessment audit procedure (e.g. accreditation, ETSI EN 319 403, regulation), you will be familiarised with the audit cycle and procedure with the necessary documents and a practical application of a document check.
  • You will receive a TÜV NORD certificate of attendance
  • Passing the optional exam confirms to third parties your acquired knowledge and application of relevant content relating to the eIDAS regulation

As an alternative to the general training dates, we also offer tailor-made inhouse training courses. You can request your individual offer conveniently online.

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