Component Services in the Field of Trust Services: Planning, Testing & Certification according to eIDAS & ETSI

eIDAS Conformity with TÜV NORD for your Component Service

Do you offer specialized services that are integrated as sub-processes into a trust service and require (renewed) proof that these satisfy the security requirements of the eIDAS Regulation? We carry out the necessary tests according to eIDAS and ETSI for you, draw up a comprehensive conformity assessment report and accompany you all the way to successful certification. Thereafter you can have yourself qualified by your competent supervisory authority, which in Germany is the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

Are you still at the planning stage for your service and need support in setting up your technical infrastructure? Our experts are available to assist you with their skills and help you with secure IT implementation. In addition, we offer you customized workshops or provide you with insights into the world of eIDAS & ETSI as part of our exclusive eIDAS.PROFESSIONAL training.

Our services in the field of component services


Training courses introducing you to the world of eIDAS & ETSI

Project-specific workshops to prepare for certification

Support for the development of technical infrastructures

Gap analysis of the implemented documents or processes

Certification/conformity assessment in accordance with eIDAS or ETSI

The standards we use to audit:


Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to eIDAS Regulation

eIDAS Regulation

Articles 24: Requirements for qualified trust service providers


Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 401 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 401 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 401 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 401

ETSI EN 319 401

Electronic signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers


Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-1 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-1 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-1 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-1

ETSI EN 319 411-1

Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 1: General requirements


Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-2 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-2 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-2 Services Remote Signatures & Seals: Testing according to ETSI EN 319 411-2

ETSI EN 319 411-2

Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 2: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates

Your benefits at a glance

  • Module confirmation: In the form of an audit by an independent third party, you show that you meet the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation and can have your modular service confirmed at national level.
  • Objective verification of trusted status & competitive advantage: You can provide objective proof of the IT security of your service to trust service providers who would like to integrate it as a sub-process into their service and thereby secure an important competitive advantage for themselves.
  • Identification of areas in need of optimization: A gap analysis is used to detect any non-conformities and reveal specific potential for improvement with a view to the eIDAS-compliant implementation of your service.
  • Training your employees with regard to eIDAS: Our training prepares your employees for the examination aspects of the eIDAS Conformity Assessment and turns them into in-house eIDAS.PROFESSIONALs.

What are component services?

Certain sub-processes of a trust service can be outsourced. This is particularly reasonable if there are specialized service providers on the market and the service is used by several trust service providers. A common example is identification services which are offered by so-called identification service providers and integrated into the process landscape of trust service providers.

An established identification service is the video identification procedure. This procedure is a legally permitted method of identity verification. Consumers who use this procedure need not only a valid identity document (passport or identity card), but also a stable internet connection and a webcam on or in their smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer. The identity is checked and confirmed by a video chat from a call agent.

Video identifications are used not only in the application procedure for qualified certificates, but also when opening bank accounts or concluding credit agreements.

Why we are a strong partner for you


Our experienced experts have already successfully completed more than 500 PKI projects of various sizes, some of which were transnational.

Industry experience

Due to many years of experience in different branches of industry we can serve companies from a wide range of industries.

Everything from a single source

We offer an all-round eIDAS package: From training and workshops, planning support and audits all the way to conformity assessment (certification).

Tailor-made for you

We focus on individual services - and solutions - that optimally fit your current company situation and your set goals.

International network of experts

Around the globe: We support you both nationally and internationally. Our global network of experts is ready to help you in all IT security issues.


Our employees are not subject to any conflicts of interest, as they are not committed to any product suppliers, system integrators, stakeholders, interest groups or government agencies.
You have questions? We are pleased to help!

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