Quality assurance of integration tests

For the smooth and fault-free operation of a data center, the proper functioning of critical supply infrastructure plays a decisive role. Therefore, they are at the focus of extensive test processes (commissioning), which are typically performed before the data center commences operation.


Integration tests secure data center commissioning

There are clear advantages to having the commissioning process for a data center supported by independent and qualified third parties: If the operator already takes the TSI (Trusted Site Infrastructure) standard into consideration when setting up the data center, the subsequent certification process will be easy – even according to the European data center standard EN 50600.

Integration tests are the first and last word in such a commissioning process. TÜV NORD uses these tests to check whether the interaction of the various systems (power supply, air-conditioning supply, security systems, building management system) works. If, for example, a problem occurs in the power supply, the air-conditioning supply will be also affected, and vice versa.

A competent partner at your side

TÜV NORD has been performing TSI assessments and certifications since 2002, and in the process has gained extensive and detailed knowledge of critical supply infrastructure, which it consistently applies in the completeness checks for integration tests and the assessment of test results.

We ensure that all relevant scenarios are taken into account, that the tests are performed professionally, and that the results are documented and interpreted correctly.

Our services at a glance

  • the concept for the integration tests is submitted together with the individual test descriptions and the preceding tests (manufacturer, component and system tests)
  • the completeness and validity of the concept and the test descriptions are reviewed on the basis of the component data sheets, the safety report and the technical specifications
  • any amendments or supplements required are presented in a report
  • after the performance of the commissioning tests, the results are assessed, and in the event of non-conformances, it is decided which tests need to be repeated
  • at the end of the commissioning process, a random sample of tests are performed with the participation of the experts (functional and acceptance test) 

Your benefits at a glance

  • increased security through a review of the commissioning tests to ensure completeness and correct performance
  • reliable and usable test results thanks to quality control and assurance
  • synergies thanks to preceding TSI design planning examination
  • efficient review method
  • comprehensive technical expertise: the TÜV NORD GROUP has at its disposal a team of specialists for all individual disciplines (power supply, cooling technology, etc.)
  • assessment and certification by the market leader

Further services