The New Business Unit Certification
Since the beginning of 2024, the TÜV NORD GROUP has been realigning itself with a clear focus on future customer requirements and ever shorter technology cycles.
Six newly composed business units (BUs) have been created from the former business divisions. This new structure for our knowledge-based company with its 14,000 employees places the ability to adapt to advanced technologies and changing global markets firmly in the foreground.
In an increasingly complex world, orientation and transparency are in great demand and these are provided by independent, verifiable audit and certification services. With the new TÜV NORD GROUP structure, the Business Unit Certification offers a wide range of customer benefits.

Getting closer to our customers and more innovation & focus on global markets

Global Expertise
We support you globally
We are always there wherever our customers are operating: The new structure will strengthen further our ability to use our expertise worldwide.
Three quarters of the new Business Unit’s staff work beyond Germany’s borders. More than 3000 auditors and experts work in over 100 countries. This means we can offer advice and support in a broad range of markets and regions.
Comprehensive portfolio of certification
We offer you a broad spectrum
We are in a position to optimise our services to meet the needs of our customers, as we combine various certification areas within the Certification business unit.
In addition to the established focal points of quality and safety, we will hone in on sustainability, information and cyber security, food safety and social standards. Thus, companies of all sizes will have access to a wide range of audit services and certifications that cover a multitude of international standards.

Innovation and Security
Together with you we are creating a world worth living in
We are meeting the challenges of our customers: The new structure places great store on adapting to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and changing global markets.
The Business Unit Certification will be focused on driving innovation in the audit and certification sector. Organizations will not only benefit from complying with the latest regulations and securing their market access, but will also become co-creators of a safer world.
Working efficiently as one team
We will find the best solutions for you
As a knowledge-based company we will provide our customers with our extensive expertise. The pooling of expertise across six business units will promote efficient collaboration.
We will be able to exploit interdivisional synergies, such as those between Digital & Semiconductor and Certification, to create customer-specific solutions.

Co-creators of a world worth living in
With its new structure and focus, TÜV NORD is not only improving its own future viability, but also the future viability of its customers.
In BU Certification we are driving innovations in the audit and certification sector forward. Organizations will not only benefit from complying with the latest regulations and securing their market access, but will also become co-creators of a safer and more liveable world.
Get to know our services in verification, validation and certification:
Creating Trust: Certifications build trust
TÜV NORD CERT now belongs to the Business Unit Certification. All TÜV NORD‘s global expertise in auditing and certification will be assembled here under the banner “Creating Trust”.

“We have seen how our customers are increasingly undergoing transformation processes in recurring cycles. Our own transformation into the Business Unit Certification is intended to address this and emphasise our global strength.”
Wolfgang Wielpütz, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), BU Certification and Managing Director, TÜV NORD CERT GmbH

“Companies rely on TÜV NORD and proven standards to minimize their risks and strengthen their stakeholders’ trust through strict auditing and testing processes. We are optimizing our structure to provide the best possible support for these projects.”
Sandra Gerhartz, Chief Operating Officer (COO), BU Certification and Managing Director, TÜV NORD CERT GmbH
For more than 150 Years: Solutions for a changing world
TÜV NORD GROUP has been operating in the TICCET market (Testing, Inspection, Certification, Consulting, Engineering, Training) for over 150 years. We meet the challenges of our time with sustainable solutions for the energy and mobility transition, drive innovation and digital services, and ensure the security of applications for AI and the quantum age. From 2024 the entire operating business will be divided into six closely interlinked business units.