ASC Seal - Your responsible fish farming
Fish and seafood are among the most important foodstuffs worldwide, and aquaculture avoids overfishing. For the careful and sustainable process in aquaculture, there is also the certification of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council - the ASC certificate - analogous to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The international, independent, and non-profit organization has developed standards for sustainable fish farming and makes responsible aquaculture recognizable to consumers through a certification system.
As an accredited certification company, TÜV NORD CERT offers ASC certification and undertakes product chain certification in accordance with the ASC "Chain of Custody" for all companies in the supply chain. We do not currently offer on-site certifications at fish farms. A large number of companies combine a planned ASC audit with an MSC audit to cover all fish farming and fish passage activities.

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ASC Aquaculture Stewardship Council: the advantages for you
- Demonstration of your sustainable commitment to the responsible use of fish
- Image improvement and access to environmentally conscious consumer groups
- Transparent life chain of fish and seafood products
- Access to new markets and securing existing markets
- Assurance of origin and quality of farmed fish products for consumers
- Use of the prestigious ASC seal on your products
ASC certificate: Your certification from TÜV NORD CERT

FAQs on ASC certification:
Fisheries are certified according to the MSC standard. Farms and fish products from aquaculture, on the other hand, are certified according to the standard of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). A large number of companies combine a planned ASC with an MSC audit.
The Aqua Stewardship Council has developed various standards and norms and adapted them to the different fish species. Currently, ASC certification includes for example the following fish species:
- Tilapia
- Pangasius
- Salmon
- Abalone
- Mussels and oysters
- Shrimps
The state of the art information on the current list of certified fish species is to be found on the websites of ASC.
You can book an optional pre-audit. This reveals possible weak points, but is not yet effective for certification; it is merely a kind of dress rehearsal for your audit. You will receive a deviation report and can effectively determine the weak points of your system. You should also train your staff on ASC principles and appoint an MSC compliance officer.
During the certification audit, ASC auditors from TÜV NORD CERT visit your company and check the documentation on traceability from incoming goods to outgoing goods. Through interviews with employees, our experts check the handling of the fish. After successful certification, TÜV NORD CERT issues the ASC certificate, which is valid for three years. In the two subsequent years, regular monitoring audits are carried out to ensure correct and sustainable application of the standard.
The ASC certification offered by TÜV NORD CERT is suitable for national and international companies that process, sell or transport and store products from sustainable fish farming. Fish farms can also be certified according to the standard, but we do not currently offer certification for company farms.
- Suitable location for breeding fishery
- High water quality for good conditions of the fish
- Evidence of a low mortality rate during the breeding process
- Use of fish feed from stocks that are not overfished
- Antibiotics only under medical supervision for sick animals
- Rules for the treatment of sick animals
After successful certification, you may label your products with the ASC logo. For this, you need a valid logo usage agreement with the ASC. You can find the relevant information here.
Aquaculture certification: Benefit from TÜV NORD CERT
We provide you with reliable and independent advice: Our experts accompany you through your entire certification process. Our many years of experience in conducting certifications and the knowledge of a worldwide network of interdisciplinary experts are at your side throughout the entire audit. In this way, we ensure your efficient and clear audit process.
TÜV NORD CERT takes over the product chain certification according to ASC for fish farms as well as according to MSC, also in combination.
With TÜV NORD CERT as your certification body, you benefit from the worldwide recognition of the TÜV brand. Our certificates stand for objectivity and competence.
Your international sales contact in Germany
Food & Agriculture
Tel.: +49 (0)160 888 3919
International Sales Contact by Country
CCPB Italy
Mrs. Elisabetty Szulin
Tel: +39 (0)3701300804